3 Reasons Direct Mail Still Matters in an Online Age

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There was a time in the not-too-distant past when consumers (and businesses) got a little tired of all the direct mail pitches they were receiving. A big reason for that is that many businesses did a poor job of selecting their lists, crafting compelling offers, and giving consumers a good reason to respond. Instead of helping consumers make good decisions, they bombarded them with sales pitches. And responses to direct mail began to dip. Read More

How to Be SMART with Your Direct Mail Marketing Goals

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For years direct mail has been an important component of any effective marketing strategy. And while the Internet has changed everything about the way business (and marketing) is done, direct mail still plays a crucial role, so businesses naturally want their direct mail efforts to be as effective as possible. Read More

How to Use Direct Mail for Restaurant Marketing

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  There are some industries where direct mail marketing seems to fit like a glove and generate consistently good responses. That certainly seems to be the case with the restaurant industry. Read More

How Do Mailing Lists Work?

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  Talk to any direct mail expert and he or she will tell you that the list you use for your mailings is perhaps the most important single element in determining the success of your mailing. It’s what’s known in the industry as “The 40-40-20 Rule” (40% of your success comes from your list; 40% comes from your offer; and 20% comes from your creative). Here’s an article that discusses that breakdown in a bit more detail. Read More

How to Tell if Your New Mailing List is Responsive

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  Ask any direct mail expert (or student) about the most crucial elements for direct mail successand he or she will mention “The List” as one of the most essential components. But how do you know if the list you buy (or put together from your own data) is responding to your efforts? Read More

How Do You Know if Your Mailing is Working?

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For over 40 years we’ve been helping businesses and organizations with their direct mail needs. Often we ask clients, “How did your last mailing perform? Is it working?” Read More

A Look at a Great Postcard Mailer that Doesn’t Sell Anything

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  Sometimes businesses make the (understandable) mistake of thinking every mailing has to sell something. While it’s true that you always want your mailings to generate a response, sometimes that response isn’t a sale. Sometimes you simply want to get in front of potential clients to reinforce your brand and offer helpful information. Here’s an example. Read More

Why Mailing to Existing Customers Makes Sense

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  We’ve been helping businesses and organizations with their direct mail needs for more than 45 years, and we’ve observed a common tendency to focus almost exclusively on generating new leads. While uncovering new leads is an essential element for growing your business, mailing to your existing customers is also extremely important. Read More

7 Reasons Postcard Marketing Can Be a Great Choice

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  At TMR Direct, we’ve noticed an increase in the number of our clients who are successfully using postcards as part of their overall direct marketing strategy. What is it about this type of mailing that makes them so attractive to so many customers? Here are seven reasons why postcard mailings can be a good choice for your marketing efforts. Read More

USPS Resumes Mail Service to Cuba, and What It Means to You

Image for USPS Resumes Mail Service to Cuba, and What It Means to You
  With a statement from Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan announcing, "The U.S. Postal Service is pleased to participate in the historic direct transportation of mail service with Cuba," the USPS resumed providing mail service to Cuba on March 17. For the first time in more than 50 years, U.S. citizens are able to send direct mail to the island nation. Read More