4 Direct Mail Tips to Get a Higher ROI

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Not long ago, direct mail best practices involved huge mailing lists and a steady stream of repeated mailings. Some industries (credit card companies, for instance) still do that because the economies of scale they enjoy allow them to mail huge volumes and get a relatively small return on investment. But for most businesses that’s just not practical. Printing, postage, and mailing costs are too high to justify the low rates of return. Read More

What is Direct Mail Strategy?

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  Every now and then—over the more than 40 years we’ve spent helping businesses and organizations with their direct mail needs—we’ve had a prospect tell us, “We need to get a mailing out in the next month or so.” Our response to that statement sometimes surprises them: “Why?” Read More

Direct Mail Questions: “Is Timing Really Everything?”

Image for Direct Mail Questions: “Is Timing Really Everything?”
  At one time or another, we’ve all heard someone proclaim, “Timing is everything!” We hear it mentioned in terms of real estate deals. Sometimes people talk about timing with regard to the stock market. Businesses talk about timing for new product releases. Read More

Calls to Action Aren’t What They Used to Be

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  Having a clear and compelling call to action has always been of vital importance in direct mail. That’s something that hasn’t changed. It’s not enough to reach out to potential customers—you want to get them to reach back to you. Read More

How to Develop a Successful Direct Mail Lead Generation Strategy

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  According to marketing experts, strategy, content, and clients, are the three essentials for successful lead generation in the future. We’re going to give you some strong strategies to generate significantly more clients and qualified leads for your business. All of them are easy to apply and cost effective, and work for all companies, whether large or small. Read More

What’s Your Direct Mail Marketing Strategy?

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  Chess is probably one of the more strategic board games one can play. Even casual players carefully consider how they will mount their attack.  It’s been said that what sets world-class players apart from the rest is their ability to “think 10 steps ahead” of the competition. Read More

Innovation – the Centerpiece of Your Direct Mail Strategy

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  Everyone’s looking for new ways to do marketing, and in the realm of direct mail that takes the form of communicating with customers in ways that benefit both groups—not just the businesses. This manifests in innovative ways to give the campaign value instead of just focusing on sales, and makes a direct mail strategy an integral part of inbound marketing. Read More

Direct Mail Frequency: How Often Should You Send Out/Follow Up a Campaign?

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  Knowing how often to send out a direct mail campaign is vital if you want to avoid fatigue among your target market. At the same time, however, you know the experts believe it takes seven hits before the typical consumer responds to a direct marketing offer. So how do you strike a healthy balance between not sending too many or too few? Here’s how to do it: Read More

Direct Marketing: Planning for the New Year

Image for Direct Marketing: Planning for the New Year
  The end of an old year means it’s time to start marketing for the new one. Maybe you’ve planned this for awhile and already have some great ideas, or maybe this is your first time marketing and you feel a bit lost. No matter what your experience, a good direct marketing plan is vital, but can be overwhelming if you try to do everything at once. Today, we’ll focus on a few key areas to pay attention to during next year’s marketing plan. Read More

Learning from the Past: Lessons to Take from the Past Year

Image for Learning from the Past: Lessons to Take from the Past Year
  The year 2015 has barely begun, but business owners are already determining how to ensure their companies do better this year than last year and how to make this year as profitable as possible. Unfortunately, many business owners aren’t fully aware that looking back to 2014 could have plenty of benefits. Today, we’ll look at some of the smart marketing moves companies made in 2014, as well as some of the mistakes business owners make each year. We’ll show you how to avoid pitfalls and have a successful business year. Read More