How to Integrate Your Direct Marketing and Social Media

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It used to be easy. Marketing was straightforward, and what you did depended on how much you had in the budget for things like direct mail campaigns, billboard advertising or radio spots. In today’s digital world it’s a bit more complex, but the opportunities are so much greater too. Read More

How Anti-Spam Laws Revitalized Direct Mail

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  Once upon a time, when the Internet was young, anyone could collect email addresses from wherever they wanted to and send as many unsolicited emails as they liked. By the early 2000s, spam had become a huge problem, and countries like the U.S. started introducing laws requiring that recipients of marketing emails opt in to receive them. Read More

4 Times When Direct Mail Might Not Be for You

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  If our mailboxes are anything to go by, direct mail is still a huge marketing tactic. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably looked at the mail in your mailbox at least once and wondered whether you could use the same methods to market your business. Read More

Direct Mail and Mobile: They Can Be a Marriage Made in Heaven!

Image for Direct Mail and Mobile: They Can Be a Marriage Made in Heaven!
  When was the last time you met someone who didn’t have a phone? Chance are, if you are like most people, you won’t be able to remember. That’s because as of October 2014 90% of American adults own a cell phone. 64% of those own a smart phone. That’s also why mobile marketing is one of the fastest growing and most attractive methods of reaching customers in the US, and here is why you need to use this, and how you can make your direct mail and mobile marketing efforts work together. Read More

5 Reasons to Still Use Direct Mail

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  In this era of integrated marketing, pay per click and viral video, is there still a reason to use direct mail in today’s digital world? Online we have: Read More

4 Reasons to Choose Direct Mail (Instead of Email)

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  If you’re not using direct mail as part of your marketing strategy, there’s a good chance you’re missing a potentially lucrative trick. The ease and immediacy of email has stolen some of direct mail’s thunder, it’s true, but often the very things are attractive about email are also the things that make it less effective. Read More

Whatever Happened to First Class Mail? We Expose the Truth

Image for Whatever Happened to First Class Mail? We Expose the Truth
  At one time, first class mail was the best way to send direct mail campaigns, particularly smallish campaigns aimed at an upmarket or niche audience. Suddenly, it’s popularity started to dive, and this 2015 report from the U.S. Postal Service showed a drop of 61% in volumes since 1995 for the country as a whole. A decline of more than 70% was reported in 196 areas, with 269 areas losing between 30% and 60% over the time period. Read More

Forget Email Newsletters: Catalogs are Back on Trend

Image for Forget Email Newsletters: Catalogs are Back on Trend
If you want to see the cutting edge in direct marketing, look to the past. After so much time playing second fiddle to email and instant gratification, direct mail is making progress again—especially when it comes to sales catalogs. Read More

How IKEA Successfully Integrated Its Direct Mail with Digital Channels

Image for How IKEA Successfully Integrated Its Direct Mail with Digital Channels
  The words on every marketer’s lips these days are multi-channel marketing (MCM). This means the use of a combination of channels for reaching your target audience, and it works well when it incorporates traditional methods of direct marketing. As part of IKEA’s comprehensive integrated marketing plan, the furniture giant recently set out to “re-invigorate” the mailbox by leveraging digital channels. Read More

How the Financial Services Industry Uses Direct Mail to Reach Consumers

Image for How the Financial Services Industry Uses Direct Mail to Reach Consumers
  Every industry uses marketing methods in different ways, and sometimes there are benefits to be gained from knowing what others are doing. The financial services industry makes good use of direct mail, particularly when marketing to millennials. This flies in the face of current thinking that younger audiences are only reachable through digital marketing channels, so we took a look at how the industry is doing it and how well it’s working. Read More