The Science Of Sharing – The Psychology Behind Social Media Buzz

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  You’re browsing through Facebook, and you come across a funny cat video. You watch it all the way through and laugh a fair amount. Then, once the video is over, you’re faced with a choice: Do you move on and continue browsing Facebook? Or do you share this video with your friends? It seems like a fairly simple question, and it’s one you probably make several times a day on your own social media. But what determines the answer? What’s the difference between content that gets shared and content that doesn’t? If you can figure this out, you’ll have a tremendous advantage when it comes to social media marketing. Sharing on social media is an essential aspect of marketing and one of the biggest factors in gaining exposure for your brand and content. So how can you encourage sharing on your page? High quality content is essential, of course. People are only going to share things they find interesting, funny, relevant, or otherwise worthwhile. But liking your content doesn’t guarantee someone will share it. You can always ask them to share it, but such requests get old quickly. If you’re constantly telling people to share your content, it’s more likely to annoy them than inspire them. Read More

Shouldering the Load – 3 Ways To Get Others To Create Content For You

Image for Shouldering the Load – 3 Ways To Get Others To Create Content For You
  In order to maintain an effective content marketing strategy, you need to churn out new, high quality, engaging content like clockwork. While there’s no end to ideas for new content, if you know where and how to look, the simple act of creating all of these videos and blog posts, day in and day out, can grow tedious and cumbersome after awhile. Can’t the Magic Content Fairy just wave her wand and create new posts for you? Well, not quite. But with a little innovation, it IS possible to get other people to create some of your content for you, easing the burden on your own office. Here are three ways of acquiring content without having to make it yourself.  Read More

Spencer And Taylor’s Favorite Facebook Likes

Image for Spencer And Taylor’s Favorite Facebook Likes
A good Facebook page is instrumental in promoting a successful brand. It gives you the opportunity to connect with your audience and keep them informed about your company, products, etc. But it’s… Read More