Taking the Next Step: What Comes After Your Direct Marketing Campaign?

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  A successful direct marketing campaign doesn’t end with the sending of the mailers. To make it really work in your favor, you need to have your follow-up protocols in place before sending it out, so that the moment you begin getting responses you’re ready to handle them. Read More

How To Maximize the Leads from Your Direct Mail Campaign

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  Direct mail is making a comeback as a powerful method of generating leads when it’s used correctly, for several reasons: 1. People actually still read their mail, as opposed to hitting the proverbial delete button; and Read More

5 Lessons from the Greatest Direct Mail Campaigns Ever

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They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? If Apple and Google have experienced overwhelming success with direct mail campaigns, why can’t your business? By understanding the strategies used by the most effective direct mail campaigns, your business can create a strategy to generate leads and grow your brand awareness. Keys to a successful direct mail marketing strategy include: Read More

Alive and Kicking: Analyzing the Numbers Behind Direct Mail

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  The fact that Apple, which has single-handedly revolutionized forward-thinking technology, is still using direct mail should be a wakeup call for businesses in every industry. If you’re not sure about the sustainability of direct mail marketing, then it’s time to consider the numbers. Despite the growth of digital media, direct mail response rates have held steady over the last four years. Mailings to prospect lists average a response rate of 1.38 percent, which is similar to the 1.78 conversion rate for marketing emails. Perhaps the most surprising revelation is the fact that 73 percent of United States consumers prefer direct mail as their primary method of communication with brands. Despite the convenience of digital media, consumers consistently report that they enjoy checking the mailbox and finding promotional pieces mingled with personal mail. In a separate survey, 59 percent of consumers say that they enjoy receiving postal mail from brands about new services, products, and promotions. Read More

5 Mistakes That Can Ruin a Direct Mail Marketing Campaign

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  Not seeing the numbers you expected from your direct mail marketing? If your campaign is underperforming – or flopping, even – it may be the result of these common mistakes. Whether you’re willing to give direct mail a try… Read More

Tips For Direct Mail That Converts

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Direct mail is useless if it doesn’t convert recipients into buyers. It wastes money, not to mention valuable natural resources, if customers aren’t being effectively reached. There are, however, a number of… Read More