What is Direct Mail Geo-Targeting?

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  Targeting an audience by a geographic area is nothing new for direct mailers. It’s common for restaurants, veterenarians, dentists, and physicians to target and mail to a specific zip code or geographic area near their location. Read More

How to Develop a Successful Direct Mail Lead Generation Strategy

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  According to marketing experts, strategy, content, and clients, are the three essentials for successful lead generation in the future. We’re going to give you some strong strategies to generate significantly more clients and qualified leads for your business. All of them are easy to apply and cost effective, and work for all companies, whether large or small. Read More

Taking the Next Step: What Comes After Your Direct Marketing Campaign?

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  A successful direct marketing campaign doesn’t end with the sending of the mailers. To make it really work in your favor, you need to have your follow-up protocols in place before sending it out, so that the moment you begin getting responses you’re ready to handle them. Read More

Rocking the Mailbox: 9 Steps to a Direct Mail Design That Performs

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Great direct mail design doesn’t happen on its own. It takes planning and effort, and the design of the mailing material is the axis on which it turns. A good design strategy offers limitless opportunities for creativity and variety, whether you’re designing your mailer yourself or outsourcing the job to a mailing house or graphic designer. Follow these nine steps to develop a direct mail design that rocks the mailbox, generates sales leads and brings you the ROI you want: Read More

3 Ways to Measure the ROI of Your Direct Mail Campaigns

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Everything you do in business needs to deliver a return on your investment (ROI). Whether you’re putting in money, time, effort or other resources, it’s only worthwhile if you can see the results. However, it’s often difficult to measure the ROI of direct mail campaigns. You don’t always know how and why customers end up coming to you for products or services. Some of the things you might want to measure are: Read More

4 Top Direct Mail Print Sizes: Which is Best for You?

Image for 4 Top Direct Mail Print Sizes: Which is Best for You?
  Direct mail campaigns still create personal, one-on-one connections that few other channels are able to compete with. The average American household gets between 2 and 3 pieces of direct mail per day, however, and that makes it essential for your mailing campaign to stand out among the others. This means that the size you choose is just as important for lead generation as the layout, design, color and paper stock. Here are the most commonly-used sizes and the purposes for which they work well. Read More

What Can You Expect Direct Mail to Do?

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  We’ve been involved with direct mail for more than 40 years, and in that time a lot of things have changed. But one thing that hasn’t changed is that we’ll occasionally run across someone who will boldly contend, “Direct mail just doesn’t work!” When we press for specifics (because we really want to know about this) we usually get a response along the lines of, “I tried it once and I didn’t get the results I was hoping for.” It’s pretty hard to argue with that. But when we ask people exactly what their expectations were, they often had no idea what to expect, or their expectations were unrealistic. Read More

How To Maximize the Leads from Your Direct Mail Campaign

Image for How To Maximize the Leads from Your Direct Mail Campaign
  Direct mail is making a comeback as a powerful method of generating leads when it’s used correctly, for several reasons: 1. People actually still read their mail, as opposed to hitting the proverbial delete button; and Read More

The 3 Biggest Inbound Marketing Lessons We’ve Learned Over the Last 3 Years

Image for The 3 Biggest Inbound Marketing Lessons We’ve Learned Over the Last 3 Years
  It’s hard to believe, but just a few short years ago, we knew next to nothing about inbound marketing. What we did know, however, was that marketing was changing. Methods that had worked for decades were no longer effective. The marketplace had changed. The way people did business had changed. The more we learned about inbound marketing, the more sense it made. So we changed too. Shifting to an inbound approach has had a dramatic impact on our business—and on the businesses of a number of out clients. And you know what? We’re still learning—and changing. I recently thought about some of what we’ve learned over the last three years. Here are three of the most significant lessons we’ve learned. Read More

Inbound Marketing: 4 Marketing Actions That Turn Strangers Into Customers And Evangelists For Your Company

Image for Inbound Marketing: 4 Marketing Actions That Turn Strangers Into Customers And Evangelists For Your Company
  Sometimes businesses operate under the misconception that marketing is a two-step process in which total strangers suddenly become customers. I’m over-simplifying this a bit, but what happens is something like this. The business puts out information about their products and services and expects total strangers to immediately buy these products and services (to become customers). Unfortunately, when companies take this approach, they often come to the conclusion that “Marketing is a waste of time and money.” Read More