13 Holidays That Offer Direct Mail Marketing Potential

Image for 13 Holidays That Offer Direct Mail Marketing Potential
  Everyone knows holidays are great for advertising purposes, including direct mail marketing. And there’s a good chance you’re already capitalizing on widely celebrated events like Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Halloween. But there are all kinds of wacky national “holidays” you could be taking advantage of, too. We’ve highlighted a few interesting choices for you. Read More

Direct Mail Musings: Does Your Mail Format Fit Your Audience and Product?

Image for Direct Mail Musings: Does Your Mail Format Fit Your Audience and Product?
  If you’re considering a direct mailing for your business or organization, you have a lot of options when it comes to formats. There are self-mailer brochures, conventional letter packages, postcards or even jumbo (oversized) self-mailers. So which format fits your mailing needs best? Read More

Direct Mail Tips: How (not) to Pack a Postcard

Image for Direct Mail Tips: How (not) to Pack a Postcard
  The number of companies using postcard mailings as a part of their overall marketing strategies is constantly increasing. It’s easy to understand the appeal. Card mailings can be quick to produce and they are considerably less expensive than more involved direct mail packages. Read More

Look What’s Back: Chipotle and Direct Mail Postcards!

Image for Look What’s Back: Chipotle and Direct Mail Postcards!
  To say that fast-food giant Chipotle has been through a tough stretch lately is a huge understatement. After dealing with outbreaks of E.coli in some of their restaurants, the chain has some serious work to do in order to restore customer confidence and boost sales. Interestingly, a big part of that effort for Chipotle involves using direct mail to re-establish the brand in the minds of the public after its nearly crippling struggles. Read More

What Is Tree-Free Paper, and How Can It Help Your Direct Mail Marketing?

Image for What Is Tree-Free Paper, and How Can It Help Your Direct Mail Marketing?
  There’s no denying it: people are becoming more environmentally conscious. From electric cars to recyclable coffee pods, consumers are more aware than ever of green issues, global climate change and other environmental matters, and they are voting with their feet and their wallets. Read More

I Threw This Mailer Away 10 Times … Before I Read It

Image for I Threw This Mailer Away 10 Times … Before I Read It
  Last week I received a piece of direct mail I’d seen many times before. I knew I’d thrown this particular mailer away at least 10 times before—without bothering to read it—but this time I kept the mailer and read it. Why did I do that? Read More

How Anti-Spam Laws Revitalized Direct Mail

Image for How Anti-Spam Laws Revitalized Direct Mail
  Once upon a time, when the Internet was young, anyone could collect email addresses from wherever they wanted to and send as many unsolicited emails as they liked. By the early 2000s, spam had become a huge problem, and countries like the U.S. started introducing laws requiring that recipients of marketing emails opt in to receive them. Read More

Tips for Direct Mail Fundraising Success

Image for Tips for Direct Mail Fundraising Success
  Direct mail has been a great way to raise funds for a long time, and for a good reason: people tend to be more receptive to direct mail requests for donations than they are to phone calls asking for the same thing. This type of fundraising request is less invasive, but still delivers results.So if you’re looking for ways to start or improve your direct mail fundraising campaign, read on. We’ve listed our top tips for fundraising direct mail campaign success to help you make the right choices. Read More

How the Health Care Industry Can Benefit from Direct Mail

Image for How the Health Care Industry Can Benefit from Direct Mail
  Whether you attribute the increase to an aging population, to Obamacare or something else, there’s no denying the growing demand for health care services in the United States. New clinics, practitioners and competitors are springing up everywhere. In fact, if you include alternative health care options in your competition analysis (and you should!), there’s never been a noisier time in healthcare marketing. Read More

Unique and Creative Direct Mail Ideas for Various Industries

Image for Unique and Creative Direct Mail Ideas for Various Industries
  A few industries are well known for their marketing efforts. Anyone who has received an annual checkup reminder from a dentist or a coupon from their local pizza place will tell you that. However, there are other ways to integrate direct mail into your marketing strategy, and we thought it would be fun to list some creative ideas by industry: Read More