How to Integrate Your Direct Marketing and Social Media

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It used to be easy. Marketing was straightforward, and what you did depended on how much you had in the budget for things like direct mail campaigns, billboard advertising or radio spots. In today’s digital world it’s a bit more complex, but the opportunities are so much greater too. Read More

Integrating Direct Mail with Facebook for Premium Results

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  Like good coffee, premium marketing results aren’t easy to come by. We’ve been touting the benefits of integrating your various marketing methods for some time now. We know that a multi-channel approach works better than marketing that’s limited to one or two channels, but it’s not always easy for the business owner to know how to integrate the different channels. Here are 5 ways to “cross-pollinate” your direct mail with Facebook, for best results. You can also use this approach with other social media platforms, too: Read More

What’s the Recipe? Ingredients of a Successful Direct Marketing Campaign

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  Putting together a successful direct marketingcampaign takes more than a hit-and-miss approach. You can’t leave anything to chance, and it’s essential that you include the most important elements and that they all work together. Here are the three primary components that you need to ensure are rich, well-rounded and fully fleshed out before you hit the ‘send’ button: Read More

Direct Mail and 4 Falsehoods About Modern Marketing

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  Direct Mail has been around for a long time. As a matter of fact, the earliest known form of direct marketing occurred in Egypt in 1000 BC, when a landowner wrote an advertisement on a piece of papyrus offering gold for the return of his slave. (We can quibble over whether that was actually direct mail, since mail didn’t exist in it’s current form then—but that’s really just water under the Nile bridge.) The point is that direct mail has long been regarded as an effective way to reach potential audiences. In our days of “It’s-new-therefore-it-must-be better” marketing, some have kicked direct mail to the curb. Some of that action has taken place because of some misconceptions about modern marketing. Let’s look at four of those misconceptions. Read More

4 Things To Do Before Executing a Direct Mail Campaign

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  Implementing a direct mail campaign is one of the best ways to boost your sales for a particular financial period. Campaigns are shown to deliver an average 4.4% response rate, which is considerably higher than the statistics for electronic mail. Read More


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Over time, hashtags have become an important part of our culture. Though their use has somewhat devolved into the bizarre and ridiculous, in other ways they’re an important part of how we share information. Twitter uses them, Instagram uses them, and now Facebook has introduced hashtag use as well. So the question is, how can you harness this powerful force and use it to promote your brand? There are several ways.  Read More

The Science Of Sharing – The Psychology Behind Social Media Buzz

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  You’re browsing through Facebook, and you come across a funny cat video. You watch it all the way through and laugh a fair amount. Then, once the video is over, you’re faced with a choice: Do you move on and continue browsing Facebook? Or do you share this video with your friends? It seems like a fairly simple question, and it’s one you probably make several times a day on your own social media. But what determines the answer? What’s the difference between content that gets shared and content that doesn’t? If you can figure this out, you’ll have a tremendous advantage when it comes to social media marketing. Sharing on social media is an essential aspect of marketing and one of the biggest factors in gaining exposure for your brand and content. So how can you encourage sharing on your page? High quality content is essential, of course. People are only going to share things they find interesting, funny, relevant, or otherwise worthwhile. But liking your content doesn’t guarantee someone will share it. You can always ask them to share it, but such requests get old quickly. If you’re constantly telling people to share your content, it’s more likely to annoy them than inspire them. Read More

Dishonest Social Media – Why Buying Clicks And Followers Isn’t the Way To Go

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  Promoting your brand can seem like a long, arduous process at times. Social media marketing alone is a fulltime job. You have to maintain your presence and your image at all times. You constantly need to be connecting with fans and with other companies in order to build a following. You need to come up with interesting and unique content to post in addition to your blogs and other regular content. Then you need to repeat all of that work for every social media channel on which your brand has a presence, since a cookie cutter approach isn’t engaging. It’s a lot of work, and it can take a long time to yield any visible results. Isn’t there an easier way? Read More

Social Media: What’s Behind the Numbers?

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  At times it seems that the only constant with social media is that it’s constantly changing. Not only is there a steady stream of new social media tools, but there also seems to be a never-ending series of reports about which tool is capturing what percentage of usage. There is new data from the folks at TechCrunch about how people are using social media. The headline of one of their recent posts proclaims: “73% Of U.S. Adults Use Social Networks, Pinterest Passes Twitter In Popularity, Facebook Stays On Top.” But does that mean you should be pumping more time, effort, and money into Facebook marketing? Should you dump your Twitter account and pump up your Pinterest posts? What’s behind those numbers, and what do they mean for you? Read More

5 Ways To Use Video In Social Media Marketing

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  We’ve discussed before how important videos are to your content marketing strategy. But what’s often overlooked is the role that videos play in social media marketing. For one thing, YouTube isn’t just a platform for hosting videos. It’s a whole community, whose users often interact with one another. And it’s important to consider that when creating your channel and deciding what content to post on it. Not only that, video can be an effective tool to use on your other social media platforms as well. Particularly now that Facebook has begun playing videos automatically in users’ newsfeeds, your video content needs to be tailored for social media. How do you do that? Here are five types of videos you can post to engage your social media circles. Read More