5 Ways To Use Video In Social Media Marketing

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  We’ve discussed before how important videos are to your content marketing strategy. But what’s often overlooked is the role that videos play in social media marketing. For one thing, YouTube isn’t just a platform for hosting videos. It’s a whole community, whose users often interact with one another. And it’s important to consider that when creating your channel and deciding what content to post on it. Not only that, video can be an effective tool to use on your other social media platforms as well. Particularly now that Facebook has begun playing videos automatically in users’ newsfeeds, your video content needs to be tailored for social media. How do you do that? Here are five types of videos you can post to engage your social media circles. Read More

Tips For Using Podcasts Successfully

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The word “podcast” can refer to any kind of regular digital content, from videos to .pdf files. But in common usage, it tends to refer specifically to audio content—something you can listen… Read More

Should Video Be Part Of Your Marketing Strategy?

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According to startupnation.com, Internet users watch more than 4 billion online videos every day. That’s a lot of “eyeballs” on computer (and tablet and smart phone) screens. But what’s really interesting is… Read More