Contribution Marketing – Spreading Your Message By Making a Difference

Image for Contribution Marketing – Spreading Your Message By Making a Difference
  The public has always been wary of marketers. We don’t have the best reputation—obviously, promoting our product to you means all we want is to separate you from your money. We interrupt the program you’re watching in order to force our message on you, and we’ll say anything, true or not, if it means getting your attention for 30 seconds. In the public’s eyes, we are evil, soulless people. One of the things content marketing seeks to do is to change that line of thinking. Instead of interrupting the content people want in order to give them our message, we find ways of turning our message into the content people want. Through the Internet, we’ve been able to create an entirely new paradigm for brand promotion. Read More

How Xerox Is Helping People Get a Handle On Healthcare

Image for How Xerox Is Helping People Get a Handle On Healthcare
  Jan. 1, 2014 was the all-important, looming deadline for everyone to be registered for health insurance. For many Americans, details about the new healthcare law and what it meant for them were vague at best. What did they have to do before the deadline? What would happen if they didn’t? What options were there available? Lots of people had lots of different questions. But the answers came from a rather unexpected place: Xerox. The company most famous for its copy machines now hosts a website called HealthBiz Decoded. And not only is it clear and helpful, it’s an example of content marketing at its finest. The site features copious amounts of articles on every conceivable healthcare topic. There’s information on doctors and providers. There’s information for doctors and providers. There’s information on payments, procedures, the latest technological innovations, and much more, along with plenty of articles about the new law. Read More