Don’t Forget The Direct Mail CTA!

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If people simply did what we wanted, marketing would be simple. Unfortunately, it requires a bit more work and customers need direction, motivation and incentive to do what we want them to do. An effective call to action (CTA) accomplishes these goals and should always be used in your direct mail campaign. Crafting an effective CTA requires effort and thought. Suggesting someone check out your website or follow you on Facebook isn’t enough when it comes to direct mail. Read More

Direct Mail Success: Re-thinking the 40-40-20 Rule

Image for Direct Mail Success: Re-thinking the 40-40-20 Rule
  For many, many years experts have preached that the secret to direct mail success lay in following the revered “40-40-20 Rule”: 40 percent of a direct mailing’s success is dependent upon the list; 40 percent of the success comes from the offer; and 20 percent of the success is due to the creative. Does that old axiom still hold true in the digital age, or has it gone the way of the fax machine and the 22¢ stamp? Read More

5 Mistakes Your Blog Is Making

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  Regular blogging is one of the most important factors in your content marketing strategy. The more you blog, the more you’ll be able to increase web traffic and ultimately drive sales. But only if the content you generate is… Read More

The AIDA Formula In Content Creation

Image for The AIDA Formula In Content Creation
  If you know marketing at all (or if you’ve seen Glengarry Glen Ross), chances are you’re familiar with AIDA. It’s an acronym that breaks down a marketing campaign into five simple stages: attention, interest, desire and action. A lot… Read More

Is Your Direct Mail Trying to Do Too Much?

Image for Is Your Direct Mail Trying to Do Too Much?
Sometimes we just ask too much out of our direct mail efforts. Budgets are tight. Resources (both financial and personnel) are scarce. We’re all trying to do more with less. It can… Read More

How to Use Content Gamification to Increase Brand Awareness

Image for How to Use Content Gamification to Increase Brand Awareness
Content gamification is currently hot news. It started with Foursquare and those badges. Then LinkedIn began promoting full completion of profiles on the site through a “progress bar.” Every time users log in they can see what percentage they still… Read More