How To Write a Want Ad For a Marketing Specialist

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  There was a time when businesses could simply send out some direct mail, run a few ads in newspapers or magazines, schedule a couple of radio or TV ads, and feel like they had their marketing pieces pretty well lined up. But in today’s competitive market space that kind of approach isn’t going to get you the results you want. Read More

Marketing Today: The Diversified Portfolio Approach

Image for Marketing Today: The Diversified Portfolio Approach
For years, certified financial planners have stressed the importance of having a diversified financial portfolio. The idea is that you spread out your risk so that when one investment doesn’t perform well,… Read More

Marketing Today: Be Unpredictable

Image for Marketing Today: Be Unpredictable
The Internet has leveled the playing field for many businesses. Smaller companies are often able to compete with the marketing efforts of larger companies. Often, it’s really hard to tell the size… Read More

Marketing Today: Why We Blog

Image for Marketing Today: Why We Blog
If you read about marketing today or go to a marketing seminar or webinar, you’re almost guaranteed to come across information about blogging. Every decent social media and/or marketing… Read More