5 Ways of Mixing Direct Mail with Mobile for Marketing Purposes

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  Ok, so direct mail is the way to go and yet you keep hearing how mobile is taking over the world! You couldn’t get two marketing methods more opposite than those, right? Just because you’ve identified mailing as a good way to reach your target audience doesn’t mean you can’t use inbound marketing methods like mobile. According to research by the USPS, here are 5 ways to use them together so the one supports the other—and vice versa. More Online Sales 64% of people with smartphones now use them to shop online, and three quarters of those would switch brands if they received a mobile coupon while shopping. So one way to increase the results of a direct mail campaign is to include a special promotion or offer that can be used when buying online or via mobile for a limited time. Read More

Mobile Optimization And Google Rankings

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Strong Google rankings are critical for getting your website seen, whether on the computer or on people’s various mobile devices. Because of the increasing prominence of mobile devices, Google has recently adjusted its formal ranking system to reflect the needs of mobile devices. Learn these key strategies about the new Google Rankings for mobile devices to make sure your company’s website will meet stringent new requirements. 1. Changes in Google Rankings Read More

Forbes’ Top 7 Content Marketing Trends Of 2014

Image for Forbes’ Top 7 Content Marketing Trends Of 2014
  The new year is rapidly approaching—which usually means a clean start and a fresh budget. It’s a good time to reevaluate your current content marketing strategy and see what’s working and what needs to be updated. Fortunately, our friends… Read More

How To Make Sure Your Direct Mail Gets Opened

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  Once your direct mail is sent and on the way to the recipient, there’s nothing else you can do—or is there? Instead of crossing your fingers and simply hoping that your direct mail will be opened, why not… Read More

7 Deadly Mobile Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

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With smartphones gaining an ever-stronger presence in the marketplace, it’s vital to understand the incredible benefits that mobile marketing provides. By engaging in mobile marketing, your business will have increased its… Read More

Going Mobile Shouldn’t Drive Your Customers Crazy

Image for Going Mobile Shouldn’t Drive Your Customers Crazy
There’s more to creating content for mobile devices than simply putting your website content on a mobile phone or tablet platform. It’s a whole different ballgame.  It’s not unlike what happened when… Read More

The Changing Face of Marketing: Life Imitates Art

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Guest Post by Mike Smith of WordSmith Creative In 2002 there was a very interesting futuristic film produced by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Cruise. While the main theme of Minority Report… Read More