How to Write a Great Fundraising Letter

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Sometimes we get so focused on the marketing technology that’s at our fingertips that we lose sight of what our real marketing goals are. Successful marketing isn’t about reaching the maximum number of people for the smallest amount of money. It’s really about reaching the right people with the right message—and moving them to action. Read More

10 Great Free Tools, Fonts and Tricks for Direct Mail Design

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  Many companies choose to design their own direct mail pieces. Some prefer to save money on the graphic design; others want to be in control of their brand. Whatever the reason, if you’re tackling your own graphic design, we’ve got a few great tools, fonts and tricks you can download and use for free! Read More

4 Times When Direct Mail Might Not Be for You

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  If our mailboxes are anything to go by, direct mail is still a huge marketing tactic. If you’re like most people, you’ve probably looked at the mail in your mailbox at least once and wondered whether you could use the same methods to market your business. Read More

5 Tips for a Successful Direct Mail Campaign

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In direct mail, there are many key components to a successful campaign. Direct mail campaigns can easily flop, so learning proven techniques for ensuring success is crucial. The first step towards victory is reviewing the misguided traditions of failed direct mail campaigns. Read More

3 Things to Avoid in a Direct Mailer

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  It can be difficult to carry out a successful direct mail campaign. While there are several steps people can take to ensure success, many make the same mistakes on more than one occasion. This virtually guarantees their direct mail ends up in the trash. Read More

What Your Font Says About Your Direct Mailer

Image for What Your Font Says About Your Direct Mailer
  Typography is one of the most important aspects of successful marketing. Unfortunately, the marketing world consists of two extreme opposites: people who want to use overly minimal fonts like Times New Roman 12 point and people who want to use gaudy, distracting fonts that make the text nearly impossible to comprehend. Read More

Using Precanceled Stamps on Your Direct Mailer

Image for Using Precanceled Stamps on Your Direct Mailer
  When a company decides on direct mailing as a marketing campaign, it can be frustrating when your efforts are automatically considered junk mail by many recipients because they lack a stamp. Fortunately, the United States Postal Service took initiative to help companies be more successful with direct mailings. They instituted new precanceled stamps. These stamps are provided for a lower price, and mailers pay the difference when they mail items. Read More

Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! It’s All about the Direct Mail Packaging

Image for Presentation, Presentation, Presentation! It’s All about the Direct Mail Packaging
  When it comes to direct mailers, the phrase “never judge a book by its cover” no longer applies. Companies are prone to spend large sums of money on direct mailers that usually get tossed in the trash before anyone reads the content. So the big question: how do we change that? The most important thing to remember is that presentation is everything for successful direct mailers. Read More