Direct Mail Ideas for All the Senses

Image for Direct Mail Ideas for All the Senses
  Direct mail has always been a visual medium, and that’s never going to change. However, if your pieces are already working well on the visual front, then maybe it’s time to take your direct mail to the next level and stimulate one or two more senses? After all, the goal is to engage and intrigue.  If you can get your prospect’s attention on more than one level, you might be on to a winning direct mail strategy. Read More

Sending Out Surveys: How to Ask Questions and Get Responses

Image for Sending Out Surveys: How to Ask Questions and Get Responses
  There’s a universal rule in marketing: the better you know your customers, the better positioned you are to give them what they want. When you give customers what they want, you are guaranteed to get more business. It’s not a complicated concept, but it’s one many businesses struggle with, mainly because it can be tricky to get inside the minds of your prospects. Read More

I Threw This Mailer Away 10 Times … Before I Read It

Image for I Threw This Mailer Away 10 Times … Before I Read It
  Last week I received a piece of direct mail I’d seen many times before. I knew I’d thrown this particular mailer away at least 10 times before—without bothering to read it—but this time I kept the mailer and read it. Why did I do that? Read More

Top 4 Benefits of Direct Mail (and How to Make Them Even Better!)

Image for Top 4 Benefits of Direct Mail (and How to Make Them Even Better!)
  Much can be said for online marketing and social media; they certainly have their place in the marketing mix. However, there are a few benefits to direct mail that you can’t get anywhere else, and we’ve got them listed right here (along with tips to take them to the next level!). Read More

Technology and the 40/40/20 Rule of Direct Mail Marketing

Image for Technology and the 40/40/20 Rule of Direct Mail Marketing
  The 40/40/20 rule of direct marketing has been around for a long time. Ever since Ed Mayer came up with it in the 1960s, it’s been the gold standard for direct mail marketing around the world. It’s been a long time since the sixties though, and while the rule still stands, there are ways we should be using new technology to make the whole concept better. Read More

Preparing Teams for Direct Mail Success

Image for Preparing Teams for Direct Mail Success
  If you’re running your first direct mail campaign, you probably already have a million things on your mind. Design and layout. Choosing the right message, and crafting an offer no one can refuse. Tweaking your copywriting until it’s perfect, and choosing the target market that you will send your message to. Read More

Free Consultations: Why Giving Away Expertise Helps Conversions

Image for Free Consultations: Why Giving Away Expertise Helps Conversions
  When you’re designing a direct mail campaign, you need to come up with an attractive hook to entice recipients to contact you. Sometimes, that’s a coupon or a free offer, sometimes it’s a limited time price drop, and sometimes, it’s a limited stock offer. Read More

Direct Mail and Mobile: They Can Be a Marriage Made in Heaven!

Image for Direct Mail and Mobile: They Can Be a Marriage Made in Heaven!
  When was the last time you met someone who didn’t have a phone? Chance are, if you are like most people, you won’t be able to remember. That’s because as of October 2014 90% of American adults own a cell phone. 64% of those own a smart phone. That’s also why mobile marketing is one of the fastest growing and most attractive methods of reaching customers in the US, and here is why you need to use this, and how you can make your direct mail and mobile marketing efforts work together. Read More

Keeping it Real: How Direct Mail Helps You Connect

Image for Keeping it Real: How Direct Mail Helps You Connect
  Think about the last time you got a hand written note rather than an email. Probably made quite an impact and is something you did not forget in a hurry, right? The same result can be had when you choose direct mail over email marketing, and there are several reasons that this form of marketing can help you to connect. Read More

Calls to Action Aren’t What They Used to Be

Image for Calls to Action Aren’t What They Used to Be
  Having a clear and compelling call to action has always been of vital importance in direct mail. That’s something that hasn’t changed. It’s not enough to reach out to potential customers—you want to get them to reach back to you. Read More