Why Does Marketing Matter?

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According to a 2014 survey by the American Marketing Association and Duke University, companies with less than $25 million in revenue spent an average of 11% of revenue on marketing. Those with $25-$99 million in revenue spent an average of 9% on marketing. That’s a significant amount of money. But the real issue is what companies get from their marketing efforts (and spending). Read More

A Direct Mail Marketing Campaign Timeline Dissected

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  Choosing the timeframe for your direct mail marketing campaign is half the battle. The timeframe should be discussed in the beginning stages of a promotion, and considerations should include the scope of the campaign, number of mailings, budget, and what kind of print production will be involved. Read More

Why Taking Risks is Important for Successful Direct Mail Campaigns

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  Consumers don't do well with routine. While change in one's personal life can mean emotional upheaval, the same doesn't apply for marketing campaigns. When customers are continually marketed to in the same way, they get bored. They then become more likely to give their loyalty to someone else. The same trap exists in direct mail campaigns. Taking risks in direct mail marketing is important to business growth and success. Read More

Why Less is More in Direct Mail Campaigns

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  Many companies make the mistake of sending direct mailers covered in overwhelming colors, an overload of information, a multitude of cheesy tag lines, and false promises. It's a mistake to think direct mail should be crammed and jumbled. This look turns more customers away than other direct mail approaches. If you're struggling to create an effective direct mail campaign that doesn't appear crowded and messy, try these design strategies: Read More

Best Direct Mail Practices for Locating Your Target Audience

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  Identifying the right target audience for a direct mail campaign can be difficult. However, for direct mail to be effective, it's the most important part of the process. Marketing efforts are more successful when they are directed at a specific group of interested people. Try these strategies for locating your target audience: Read More

Direct Mail Over Digital: Why the Classic Approach Still Works

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  Although digital marketing is prioritized in every company’s marketing strategy, people are too quick to dismiss print marketing strategies as a dead art. In fact, strategies like direct mail are still important to any company's comprehensive marketing plan. Some may be surprised to learn print remains an important component of every digital effort. The strongest marketing strategies blend the physical and digital world. Read More

3 Things to Avoid in a Direct Mailer

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  It can be difficult to carry out a successful direct mail campaign. While there are several steps people can take to ensure success, many make the same mistakes on more than one occasion. This virtually guarantees their direct mail ends up in the trash. Read More

Using Precanceled Stamps on Your Direct Mailer

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  When a company decides on direct mailing as a marketing campaign, it can be frustrating when your efforts are automatically considered junk mail by many recipients because they lack a stamp. Fortunately, the United States Postal Service took initiative to help companies be more successful with direct mailings. They instituted new precanceled stamps. These stamps are provided for a lower price, and mailers pay the difference when they mail items. Read More

Brand Awareness and Direct Mail: Together

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  Many feel brand marketing and direct mail are separate concepts, but the two have the potential to go hand in hand. Brand awareness can be enhanced through direct mail and can greatly enhance a reader’s impression of the brand. There are a number of ways to do this that include using color the right way and keeping your message consistent. It is important to fully understand your target market before engaging in brand awareness and direct mail marketing. What is brand marketing? Brand marketing strives to unite a product and a brand as one in the same. Brand marketers work hard to turn their products into household names and to make them go-to products of choice. Brand marketing works to establish big names with big budgets, while direct mail works on a much smaller scale. The question is whether brand awareness is more important than direct mail marketing. Which is right for your business? Read More

Don’t Forget The Direct Mail CTA!

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If people simply did what we wanted, marketing would be simple. Unfortunately, it requires a bit more work and customers need direction, motivation and incentive to do what we want them to do. An effective call to action (CTA) accomplishes these goals and should always be used in your direct mail campaign. Crafting an effective CTA requires effort and thought. Suggesting someone check out your website or follow you on Facebook isn’t enough when it comes to direct mail. Read More